CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
+39 06 50299 222

Author: Cecilia Leotardi

Yoshiaki Tuskada: Development of an auxiliary thruster and a wind loads simulator for free-running model ship tests

When and where Tuesday 8 October 2019, 12:25 Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract The authors have developed a duct fan type auxiliary thruster that consists of a duct fan, a signal amplifier, a load cell, and a PC [1, 2]. The auxiliary thruster can provide a free-running ship model with additional longitudinal force controlled …

Isabella Fumarola: The effect of freestream turbulence on the attachment-line boundary layer

When and where Thursday 26 September 2019, 12:30, Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract One of the receptivity mechanisms in the laminar to turbulence transition is due to freestream turbulence interacting with the boundary layer. In particular, the effect of freestream turbulence on the cross-flow instability has been largely reported in literature, but there is …

Giorgia Leonardi: Energy harvesting from fluid and vibrations via flexible devices

When and where Wednesday 3 July 2019, 14.30, Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract La mia ricerca verte sulla modellazione e realizzazione di dispositivi per l’estrazione di energia dall’ambiente tramite l’utilizzo di materiali piezoelettrici. In un contesto in cui i sistemi elettronici sono sempre più compatti e che richiedono una minore energia per la loro …

Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry

The Institute of Marine Engineering is proud to organise the 6th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry (AMT’19), 9-11 October 2019, Rome Italy.​  AMT’19 is of benefit to Industry, academia and students interested in advanced model and full-scale testing methodologies, and measurement techniques used in the marine environment. The conference theme, …

Kevin J. Maki: Generation of short-time window environments that lead to extreme loads on marine structures

When and where Thursday 20 June 2019, 12:00 Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract Ships and offshore platforms are designed to perform well in typical sea conditions, but they must also survive the most extreme conditions that will be encountered during the their lifetime.  The analysis of the largest wave loads is challenging because of …

Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors

The Institute of Marine Engineering is organizing the Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP’19), the sixth in a series of international symposiums, dedicated to hydrodynamics of all types of marine propulsors. SMP’19 provides a forum to present state-of-the-art research and studies on existing marine propulsors as well as a platform for introduction of new …

Workshop: Scientific support to Munition in the sea

Ammunition dumped at sea during or after wars constitutes an environmental and safety issue in many European countries. JPI Oceans has initiated a joint action – involving 12 participating countries and is led by Italy – on Munition in the Sea to facilitate research coordination and exchange of knowledge across European countries. As part of this initiative, CNR has …