The Sensor electronics lab of Roma ARTOV is dedicated to the development of devices, electronic technologies and their integration with the mechanics, in order to support the experimental activities carried out in the Institute. The skills acquired in the use of finite element simulation (FEM) tools have allowed the optimization of the systems designed using CAD / CAM tools. The group is active in a line of research devoted to the study and preparation of materials, to the prototyping of physical and chemical sensors and their complete characterization, useful for industrial production processes. It is also a brilliant R&D activity for Small and Medium Enterprises(SICA, AEROSEKUR, TELESPAZIO, INTERCOM, EMEC, TERRSAFE), relating to the development of sensors in the fields of the environment, medicine (development of systems to diagnose ear diseases) and security (development of vibration monitoring systems in the project PON-PRISMA). The Sensor electronics lab is also active in environmental acoustical monitoring, in particular is focused on the noise of new vertical axis wind turbine design (in the context of PON Gelmincal project) and on the environmental impact of ultrasound and infrasound in industrial plants. |

Research Scientists and Engineers Sergio Iarossi, Fabio Locastro, Massimiliano De Luca, |
Research Fellows and PhD Students Marco Bernardini Roberto Marino Federica Rampino Carmelo Sacca Paolo Sperandio |
Other Personnel Giovanni Brambilla Sergio Camiz Giovanni Gregori Gaetano Licitra Maria Patrizia Orlando Claudio Rafanelli Gabriele Paparo Giovanna Zimatore |
Selected publications
- G. Bellucci, B. Saggin, S. Fonti, D. Biondi, E. Alberti, F. Altieri, , P. Cerulli, M. De Luca, G. Marzo, A. Mattana, L. Zasova.MIMA, a miniaturized Fourier infrared spectrometer for Mars exploration: part I, concept and expected performanceProceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6744, pp. 67441Q (2007).
- M. De Luca, S. Iarossi, G. Brambilla, A. D’Amico, M. Petrolati, R. Sbarbati, E. Brugnoli. RESONANT MODES IDENTIFICATION BY FEM ANALYSIS OF A LOUDSPEAKER FOR ACTUATOR AND SENSOR APPLICATIONS. AISEM Conference 08-10/02/2009, Messina Italy.
- Catini A., F. Dini, D. Polese, S. Petrocco, C. Di Natale, M. De Luca, R. Paolesse, A. D’Amico. FLUORESCENCE DETECTION OF HYDROCARBONS IN HARBOUR WATER AISEM Conference 08-10/02/2009, Messina Italy.
- A. M. Di Giorgio, P. Cerulli Irelli, M. De Luca, F. Nuzzolo, R. Orfei, and L. Spinoglio FPGA-BASED DIGITAL PROCESSING UNIT FOR SPICA SAFARI Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario INAF – IFSI, Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, Roma, Italy. SPICA Workshop, 05001 (2009); DOI:10.1051/spica/200905001, published by EDP Sciences, 2009.
- D’Amico, C. Di Natale, E. Martinelli, A. Tibuzzi, B. Margesin, F. Giacomozzi, G. Soncini, C. Calaza, F. Ficorella, S. Iarossi “A micromachined gold-palladium Kelvin probe for hydrogen sensing”. Sensor and Actuators B pag. 418-424 2009
- S. Iarossi, M. Poscolieri, C. Rafanelli, D. Franceschinis, A. Rondini, M. Maggi and A. D’amico “The Measure of Atmospheric Electric Field” Sensors and Microsystems Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011, Springer Volume 91, Part 3, 175-179, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1324-6_26.
- A. D’Amico – S. Iarossi L’uomo oltre la sensorialità e la percezione, Scienze informatiche e biologiche. Espistemologia e ontologia ed. Sefir Città Nuova, Roma 2011.
- Paoletti, A. D’Amico e S. Iarossi Innovazione e ricerca in fisica. Il progetto MADESS Lecture notes in “Nuovi ponti tra scienza e società” pp 223-233 Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2011 ISBN 978-88-339-2271-3
- S. Iarossi, A. D’Amico Prospettive future nel campo dei sensori, Rivista Italiana di Acustica vol. 36, N.3 Luglio-settembre pp 27-31 2012 ISSN 0393-1110
- M. Santonico, M. De Luca, S. Iarossi, G. Pennazza, Ultrasound Based Sensor for Fat Detection in Fresh milk Sensors Proceedings of the First National Conference on Sensors, Rome 15-17 February, 2011 Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer 2013 Vol. 162 pp 499-502 ISBN 978-1-4614-3859-5.
- Cinzia Caliendo, Arnaldo D’Amico and Fabio Lo Castro Lamb Waves Propagation along 3C-SiC/AlN Membranes for Application in Temperature-Compensated, High-Sensitivity Gravimetric Sensors – , Sensors 2013, 13, 550-564; doi:10.3390/s130100550
- Cinzia Caliendo, and Fabio Lo Castro. Advanced bulk and thin film materials for harsh environment MEMS applications “.” Anti-Abrasive Nanocoatings: Current and Future Applications (2014): 429. ISBN 9780857092175
- Caliendo, Cinzia, and Fabio Lo Castro, Quasi-Linear Polarized Modes in Y-Rotated Piezoelectric GaPO4 Plates. Crystals 4.3 (2014): 228-240. doi:10.3390/cryst4030228
- F. Lo Castro, M. De Luca, S. Iarossi “Localization, Recognition, and Classification of a Superficial Seismic Source in an Inhomogeneous Mean” Proceedings of the 17th National Conference, Brescia, Italy, 5-7 February 2013, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol. 268 pp 47-51, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00684-0_9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
- F. Lo Castro, M. De Luca, S. Iarossi Simulation of an Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Liquids- Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Part IV Vol. 319 pp 397-402 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09617-9_70 , © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
- Fabio Lo Castro, Sergio Iarossi, Massimiliano De Luca, Elena Ascari, Domenico, Stanzial, Gaetano Licitra, On Site Determination Of Sound Absorption Coefficient Of Road Pavements Using Mobile Laboratory, proceedings of the International Conference of Sound and Vibration ICSV24, London, 23- 27 July 2017 ISBN: 9781510845855 11.
- Fabio Lo Castro, Raffaele Mariconte, Maria Patrizia Orlando, Claudia Giliberti, Sergio Iarossi, Massimiliano De Luca, Rosaria Turchetta, Analisi Della Normativa Sulle Aule Didattiche Musicali, atti 44° Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Pavia, 7-9 giugno 2017 ISBN: 978- 8888-942-544
- Lo Castro, F., Brambilla, G., Iarossi, S., Fredianelli, L., “Psychoacoustic parameters and annoyance of road traffic noise in the urban area of Massarosa, Italy” Euronoise 2018 Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 27- 31 May 2018 3.
- Lo Castro, F., Iarossi, S., De Luca, M., Fredianelli, L., “Progetto Nereide, strategie per la riduzione del rumore da traffico stradale”. Bollettino Ingegneri del Collegio degli Ingegneri della Toscana, Aprile 2018.
- Lo Castro F., Brambilla G., Mariconte R., Giliberti C., Sergio Iarossi S., De Luca M., Orlando M.P., “L’interferenza Del Rumore Di Fondo Nelle Aule Didattiche Musicali: Un Caso Studio”, Atti del 45° convegno dell’Associazione di Acustica, AIA 2018, Aosta 20- 22 giugno 2018
- F. Lo Castro, S. Iarossi, M. De Luca, C. Biancifiori, “Criteri Per La Valutazione Del Rischio Infrasuoni Ed Ultrasuoni Emessi In Aria”, Atti del 45° convegno dell’Associazione di Acustica, AIA 2018, Aosta 20-22 giugno 2018.
- F. Lo Castro, S. Iarossi, M. De Luca, C. Biancifiori , ”Valutazione Del Rischio Infrasuoni Ed Ultrasuoni Emessi In Aria: Un Confronto A Livello Internazionale” Atti del 45° convegno dell’Associazione di Acustica, AIA 2018, Aosta 20-22 giugno 2018.
- Orlando M.P., Lo Castro F., Mariconte R, Longo L. and Giliberti C, Iarossi S. Ergonomics and acoustics in music education, proceedings of the 20 th International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018).
- Italian patent. Title: “MACHINE FOR AUTOMATED DEPOSITION OF MATERIAL BY MEANS OF A AIRBRUSH”; Inventors: Eugenio Martinelli, Massimiliano De Luca, Corrado Di Natale, Roberto Paolesse, Antonella Magagnano, Arnaldo D’Amico.
Priority date: 2006/05/24 . Patent n. : BO2006A000397. - Italian patent. Title: Electric field measurement device Inventors: Fabio Lo Castro, Sergio Iarossi, Massimiliano De Luca, Arnaldo D’Amico, Christian Falconi . Patent n. 102017000111456 Priority date: 2017/10/05