Esperienza inSegna is the most important scientific dissemination event in Southern Italy, and it has now reached its twelfth edition, with over ten thousand visitors per year. The event will take place from 20 to 28 February 2019 at the University of Palermo. This year’s theme is “Change” in all its different meanings.
After working side by side for months, eighty-four Sicilian schools of all levels, the University, the National Research Council (CNR) and other research institutions and associations, will offer visitors a week of conferences, exhibits, workshops and guided tours to various museums in Palermo.
This year, CNR-INM branch of Palermo will present an exhibit entitled “Genetic Algorithms: simple solutions to complex problems using Darwin’s laws”. The exhibit will be presented together with 15 students (supported by their teachers) of a local school (Istituto Superiore Statale “Mario Rutelli”), which were previously hosted by CNR-INM for an internship.
The exhibit consists of an interactive demo, through which the user can understand what a Genetic Algorithm is and how it allows to easily solve optimization problems, especially those for which the classical mathematical methods are involved or even impossible to be applied. Five example problems are proposed; for each of them, the algorithm will quickly find the solution by applying the various genetic operators. The demo can also be accessed from outside the University via the following link: http://giulatona.bitbucket.io The complete program of the event can be downloaded from the official website of Esperienza inSegna: http://www.esperienzainsegna.it