When and where
Thursday 26 September 2019, 12:30, Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome
One of the receptivity mechanisms in the laminar to turbulence transition is due to freestream turbulence interacting with the boundary layer. In particular, the effect of freestream turbulence on the cross-flow instability has been largely reported in literature, but there is still a lack of understanding in the physical process of interaction with the boundary layer. This work focuses on the freestream turbulence interaction with the boundary layer of a swept attachment-line. Previous investigations on freestream turbulence amplification approaching a two-dimensional stagnation point, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view, have been critically analysed. The two-dimensional stagnation point flow has been, then, experimentally investigated on a circular cylinder in a relative high turbulence intensity environment (Tu=1%). The results have been compared to experiments, in the same conditions, carried out on the cylinder mounted in four swept configurations. The experiments have been carried out in the T2 wind tunnel at City, University of London, using multi-component LDA, which has allowed gathering information on the three velocity components at the same time. The results show that freestream turbulence can be amplified approaching an attachment-line boundary layer, but important differences between the two- and three-dimensional cases have been found.
Isabella Fumarola has received the degree in Mechanical Engineering at Sapienza, University of Rome in January 2013. During her studies, she has carried out the master thesis in experimental aerodynamics at Imperial College London under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan Morrison, from Imperial College, other than Prof. Giampaolo Romano, from Sapienza. After a short period of work at Fiat Chrysler Automobile in Turin, she applied for a PhD position in Aeronautical Engineer City, University of London. She has completed the Doctoral degree in May 2019 under the supervision of Proff. Mike Gaster and Chris Atkin. The main field of research has concerned laminar to turbulence transition and in particular freestream turbulence boundary layer interaction. Actually, she is a Research Assistant at City, University of London and is involved in different activities in the low- and high- speed wind tunnels.