The National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering, organizes, as part of the Project TRIM – Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (CTN01_00176_163601), the “Education and training program for research and development experts in marine and maritime industries”. Thirty (30) attendees will be selected, based on qualifications and interview. The twenty-one (21) top ranked will be awarded a € 16,200.00 scholarship (gross of taxes and of the charges borne by the CNR), the other nine (9) will be auditors.
The program addresses three alternative objectives and aims at training experts in the areas:
- lightweight structures and new materials;
- design techniques development for efficiency improvement;
- development of new propulsion systems, emission control and noise and vibration management.
The program includes education activities provided by university teachers, researchers, and/or experts in the sector (480 + 180 hours) and training internships at companies/organizations of the sector (540 hours) for a total of 1200 hours in 13 months, starting December 2020.
Candidates applying for the positions should not have/have had working relationships with the bodies involved in the project and should have the specific qualifications required by the call announcement (ID: INM-001-2020-RM-Prot 0064218, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 81 del 16/10/2020, scadenza: 16/11/2020).
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