Dear colleagues,
Considering the difficulties related to the Covid crisis and granting the requests of many colleagues, we decided to extend the deadline of our Special Issues of MDPI Energies (IF:2.707, ISSN 1996-1073, indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, Ei Compendex, and other databases):
“Energy Management Systems for Optimal Operation of Electrical Micro/Nanogrids”
Guest Editor: Dr. Maria Carmela Di Piazza, new deadline 20 February 2021
“High-Efficiency and High-Performance Power Electronics for Power Grids and Electrical Drives”
Guest Editor: Dr. Massimiliano Luna, new deadline 20 February 2021
You can click the above links to view the details of our Special Issues and the published papers.
If you wish to check the fit of your manuscript for the Issue prior to submission, you are welcome to send a tentative title and abstract to the guest editor at or , and you will receive feedback shortly.
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Maria Carmela Di PiazzaDr. Massimiliano Luna
Guest Editors