The MARINE 2021 Conference Chairs, Profs. Ignazio Maria Viola and Feargal Brennan, have announced that the paper Stability and Transition of the Wake of a Hydrokinetic Axial-Flow Turbine, authored by CNR-INM’s Drs. Antonio Posa and Riccardo Broglia, was awarded with the “MARINE 2021 Best Paper Award – sponsored by the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI)”

A Large-Eddy Simulation study is reported on the wake generated by the rotor of an axial-flow hydrokinetic turbine. The resolution of the computational grid, composed of about 1.9 billion points, enabled us to capture in detail the phenomena of instability of the tip vortices, including long-wave and short-wave instabilities and mutual inductance. We found that these phenomena trigger the process of wake recovery, starting when the coherence of the tip vortices is lost. This allows the free-stream momentum to penetrate into the wake core via both radial inward flows and turbulent mixing.
We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to Joliot Curie KNL at GENCI/CEA, France, with an allocation granted to the project “wakehydroLES – Characterization of the wake of an axial-flow hydrokinetic turbine via LES” (project n. 2019204935) in the framework of the 19th PRACE Call for Proposals for Project Access (here).
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