The journal Algorithms is currently running a special issues featuring as guest editors Drs. Andrea Serani and Riccardo Pellegrini from CNR-INM. The details of the special issues are as follows:
Simulation-Based Optimization: Methods and Applications in Engineering Design
Deadline for manuscript submission: 15 February 2022
Algorithms is an EI, Scopus, ESCI and MathSciNet-indexed open access (since 2008) journal, which has received a 2020 CiteScore of 2.90 (https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100199795). In addition, it is currently ranked Q2 in the category “Computer Science, Theory & Methods”, and since then has been rising steadily in the ranks (https://www.journalindicators.com/indicators/journal/21100199795), and is published online monthly by MDPI. It has more than 50,000 hits every month (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/algorithms/stats).
Perspective authors are encouraged to send a short abstract or tentative title to the guest editors at or .
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions!