Anthropogenic noise is one of the main marine pollution factors that negatively affect marine life (mammals, fish, invertebrates, reptiles, marine birds, etc.). An ever-increasing number of relevant studies support the fact that noise from various anthropogenic sources such as vessels, active sonars, energy and construction infrastructure, seismic surveys, as well as synthetic sounds (artificial tones and white noise) compromise hearing ability and induce physiological and behavioural changes in marine animals.
This SI encourages submissions dealing with methodologies for assessing the pressure of anthropogenic noise in the marine environment, addressing numerical and/or experimental studies on underwater noise generation/propagation, and including both impulsive (airguns, sonars, impact pile driving, etc.) and continuous (ship propellers and hulls, offshore structures, etc.) sound sources.
The proposed numerical/experimental approaches may focus on proposed methodologies for assessing the noise pressure from different sources in the marine environment; modelling (numerical, analytical, etc.), measurements, or both (the latter are particularly encouraged); and so on.
Guest Editors: Claudio Testa (CNR-INM), Aristides Prospathopoulos (HCMR), Luca Greco (CNR-INM).
Web site: mdpi.com/si/115716