Where: Palermo, Italy.
When: December 12, 2024
The I-Sole project, of which CNR-INM is a partner, has received the recognition of “FESR Ambassador for Communication” from the Sicilian Region. The award was received by the project coordinator Prof. Antonio Cataliotti, of the University of Palermo, during the closing event of the PO FESR Sicily held in Palermo on 12 December 2024.
The I-SOLE project has also been selected by the Sicilian Region to participate in the 22nd edition of the EURegionsWeek, which was held in Brussels from 7 to 10 October 2024. #EURegionsWeek is the largest European event dedicated to cohesion policy.
The project partners who contributed to the achievement of the results are:
- LAYER Electronics s.r.l. (Leading company)
- Institute of Marine Engineering of the National Research Council (CNR)
- University of Palermo
- Elettromeccanica di Domenico Mangano e C. s.a.s.
- SOPES s.r.l.
- Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy “Nicola Giordano” (CNR)
- SEA Società Elettrica di Favignana S.p.A.
- STMicroelectronics S.R.L
Contact point:
Giovanni Tiné
Via Ugo la Malfa, 153, 90146 Palermo, Italy
More info on the website: https://www.progettoisole.com/
Video with the project results: https://www.progettoisole.com/2023/10/13/risultati-del-progetto-i-sole/