Where: Palermo
When: December, 12th 2024
The SInERT project has been selected among the most successful projects of the PO ENI Italie Tunisie 2014-2020 program. On December 12, 2024, during the closing event of the program, Dr. Dario Di Cara, responsible for the INM-CNR partner, talked about the experience of international collaboration and the results achieved. The project involved both Italian and Tunisian partners, coordinated by prof. Manel Ben Romdhane, of SUP’COM. The project proposed innovative solutions for the integration of renewable sources and storage systems in electricity networks. The solutions were tested both at Ustica and Tunis. The demonstrator built at SUP’COM was equipped with a 20 kW photovoltaic system and a 40 kWh storage system, connected with prototypes of power converters, protections, communications and control systems built within the project.
The project partners who contributed to the achievement of the results are:
- École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis (SUP’COM) (Tunisia)
- Università degli Studi di Palermo
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto INM di Palermo
- LAYER Electronics Srl di Trapani
- ACTIA ES, Ariana (Tunisia)
In addition, the project involved as associated partners:
- STEG: Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et du Gaz
- SOPES s.r.l. di Palermo
- Impresa Elettrica D’Anna e Bonaccorsi di Ustica
- Comune di Ustica
Below is a picture of the final event held in Tunis on June 22, 2023 with representatives of all project partners

Contact point:
Dario Di Cara
Via Ugo la Malfa, 153, 90146 Palermo, Italy
More info on the website: https://www.projetsinert.com/it/