Where: CNR HQ, Aula Marconi, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Rome, Italy.
When: November 11-12, 2024
CNR hosted a series of lectures (AVT-385 RLS) titled “Multi-Fidelity Methods for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization” at its HQ in Rome, November 11 and 12. The event was organized within the framework of the Science and Technology Organization (STO) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) panel, to explore advanced techniques for the design of aeronautical, aerospace, naval, and terrestrial vehicles.
The lectures addressed both theoretical aspects and practical applications of these techniques, emphasizing their relevance to future engineering challenges. Multi-fidelity methods, indeed, allow for the integration of high-accuracy simulations with lower-fidelity models, improving computational efficiency for more effective and sustainable multidisciplinary design.
About 80 scholars and experts from national and international academia, industry, and various research institutions and agencies in the sector attended the lecture series. The series featured 17 lectures. Among the various contributions, Charbel Farhat (Stanford University, USA) discussed advanced model order reduction techniques, Edmondo Minisci (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) presented surrogate modeling and data fusion techniques, and Andrea Serani (Inm-Cnr) focused on dimensionality reduction in the design space with applications in naval hydrodynamic optimization. Other speakers included Laura Mainini (Imperial College London, UK), who presented a multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization analysis, Markus Rumpfkeil (University of Dayton, Ohio, USA), who proposed uncertainty quantification in design, and Domenico Quagliarella (Italian Aerospace Research Centre), who addressed robust optimization. Dean Bryson (US Air Force Research Laboratory, Ohio, USA) covered local optimization methods in a multi-fidelity context, and Philip Beran, also from the same laboratory, discussed the technological aspects related to multi-fidelity optimization techniques for aeronautical design. The event concluded with a talk by Andrea Da Ronch (University of Southampton, UK) on the application of machine learning in unsteady aerodynamics.
The lecture series, directed by Melike Nikbay from Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), was coordinated for CNR by Matteo Diez from the Institute of Marine Engineering (Inm), along with his colleagues Cecilia Leotardi (Cnr-Inm) and Emilio Campana (Cnr-Diitet).
Local Host: Dr. Matteo Diez, CNR-INM.
Contact point:
Matteo Diez
Via di Vallerano 139, 00128 Rome, Italy