Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare (INM), ha pubblicato un avviso di selezione per il conferimento di un assegno di ricerca professionalizzante della durata di 12 mesi prorogabili, da svolgersi presso la sede di Palermo del CNR-INM, con scadenza 01/03/2024. L’assegno, la cui tematica è “Sviluppo e implementazione sperimentale di …
Where and whenFebruary 27, Tuesday · 11:00 – 12:00AM @ Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare, Landrini Hall, Via di Vallerano 139, 00128 Roma Registration is required at this link. AbstractProf. Dritschel will discuss the integrable motion of three point vortices in planar, two-dimensional flows, together with the motion of tracer particles …
Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 01/12/2023.
Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 04/07/2023.
Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 19/06/2023.
We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Marine Engineering (INM) is hosting a group of workshops dedicated to OpenFOAM. The Workshops are opened to a wide audience of researchers, as addressing OpenFOAM features from fundamentals to post-processing. Specifically, the Workshops will provide a step-by-step guide for simulating realistic turbomachinery flows, with a swept …
CNR-INM hosts Prof. Dr. Hirotaka Sakaue from University of Notre Dame, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, giving his seminar on Luminescent Imaging and Chemical Flow Control for Fluid Science Studies, Tuesday 6 June 2023, 12:00 at INM Headquarters, Sala Consiglio. Online participation is also possible via the following link: (password: 12345).
The National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering (INM), announced a call for selection, by qualifications and interview, for the recruitment of a fixed-term Research Scientist at the CNR-INM’s Palermo office, with a deadline of May 28th, 2023.We are looking for motivated and creative early stage researchers with a background on Data …
We are pleased to announce the Workshop BUILding a DIgital Twin: requirements, methods, and applications BUILD-IT 2023. The event, included among the initiatives for the CNR centenary, is sponsored also by DIITET-CNR and will take place in Rome, at the CNR premises 19-20 October 2023. Abstract Digital Twins (DT) are virtual representations of physical systems …