CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
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Author: Matteo Diez

14th ICHD postponed to September 2022

Due to the persistent critical situation associated to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ICHD EC Secretariat, in accordance with the ICHD 2020 Organizing Committee, has decided to definitely postpone the 14th ICHD Conference to September 2022. The conference will be held at the same venue in Rome. More details about deadlines and scheduling will be announced in the …

Bando INM-AR-007-2020-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 21/12/2020.

Bando INM-AR-005-2020-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 21/12/2020.

Bando INM-AR-004-2020-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 21/12/2020.

Deadline extended to 20 February 2021 for special issues of Energies

Dear colleagues, Considering the difficulties related to the Covid crisis and granting the requests of many colleagues, we decided to extend the deadline of our Special Issues of MDPI Energies (IF:2.707, ISSN 1996-1073, indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, Ei Compendex, and other databases): “Energy Management Systems for Optimal Operation of Electrical Micro/Nanogrids”Guest Editor: Dr. …

International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification & Optimisation, 16-19 November 2020

Organised by the H2020 ETN UTOPIAE, UQOP gathers internationally renowned researchers developing methods in the fields of optimisation and uncertainty quantification. The conference themes cover all related aspects of computational uncertainty management and optimisation in the presence of uncertainty, with a particular emphasis on the case of complex numerical models and large simulation infrastructures. The event …

SInERT (Solutions innovantes pour l’intégration des énergies renouvelables distribuées sur le réseau électrique tunisien) kicked off on November 5th

In the framework of the Italy-Tunisia cross-border cooperation program 2014-2020, the kick-off meeting of project SInERT was held on 05/11/2020. The leader of the project is the École  Supérieure  des  Communications  de  Tunis  (SUP’COM), in partnership with the Institute of Marine Engineering of the National Research Council, ACTIA  Engineering  Services  (AES), Layer  Electronics  S.r.l. and …

Workshop on methods and applications of computational UQ—experiences and perspectives within DIITET CNR (October 2)

The predictive capabilities of mathematical models (widely used today in engineering, environmental, medical and economical sciences) is strictly connected to how accurate our knowledge of the parameters of such models is. These parameters are however often affected by a large degree of uncertainty, due to a number of reasons, such as measurement errors (or the …

Call for contributions: Workshop on methods and applications of computational UQ—experiences and perspectives within DIITET CNR

Aggiornamento Considerato il perdurare dell’incertezza legata all’epidemia di Coronavirus, gli organizzatori hanno deciso di trasformare in evento online il workshop UQ@DIITET/CNR, inizialmente previsto per il 19 e 20 Marzo a Roma. Le date previste per l’edizione online sono 1-2 ottobre 2020. Tutti i talk inizialmente previsti sono confermati, così come le iscrizioni già ricevute (chi dovesse disdire talk/partecipazione è …