CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
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Category: INM News

Bando di selezione n.INM-AR-004-2024-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 20/02/2025.

CNR-INM researchers awarded the NATO Science and Technology Organization, AVT Panel Excellence Award, for research on multi-fidelity methods for the design of future ship

Researchers from the National Research Council of Italy – Institute of Marine Engineering (CNR-INM) have been honored with the AVT Panel Excellence Award 2024 for their contributions within the NATO Science and Technology Organization, Applied Vehicle Technology Panel, specifically through their work in the research group AVT-331, titled “Goal-Driven, Multi-Fidelity Approaches for Military Vehicle System-Level …

Final Event project SInERT Soluzioni innovative per l’integrazione delle energie rinnovabili nella rete elettrica tunisina

Where: Palermo When: December, 12th 2024 The SInERT project has been selected among the most successful projects of the PO ENI Italie Tunisie 2014-2020 program. On December 12, 2024, during the closing event of the program, Dr. Dario Di Cara, responsible for the INM-CNR partner, talked about the experience of international collaboration and the results …

Two awards for the I-SOLE project – Smart grids for small islands

Where: Palermo, Italy. When: December 12, 2024 The I-Sole project, of which CNR-INM is a partner, has received the recognition of “FESR Ambassador for Communication” from the Sicilian Region. The award was received by the project coordinator Prof. Antonio Cataliotti, of the University of Palermo, during the closing event of the PO FESR Sicily held …

Lecture Series on Multi-Fidelity Methods for Multidisciplinary Optimization within the NATO Science and Technology Organization at CNR in Rome

Where: CNR HQ, Aula Marconi, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Rome, Italy. When: November 11-12, 2024 CNR hosted a series of lectures (AVT-385 RLS) titled “Multi-Fidelity Methods for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization” at its HQ in Rome, November 11 and 12. The event was organized within the framework of the Science and Technology Organization (STO) of …

INM receives the 2024 APS/DFD Milton van Dyke Award

The video “Bubble-mediated gas exchange in turbulent multi-phase flow” won the Milton van Dyke Award at the 77th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 2024. Global temperatures have risen recently due to increased greenhouse gases, particularly CO₂. The ocean absorbs 26% of CO₂, largely through wave breaking, which generates bubbles and increases …

Bando di selezione n. INM-AR-003-2024-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 22/11/2024.

Fattori di rischio dei lavoratori del mare e vigilanza coordinata in ambito portuale

Dove: CNR – Aula Marconi – Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Roma Quando: 11/12/2024 ore 08.45 – 18.00 L’11 dicembre si terrà il convegno dal titolo: “Fattori di rischio dei lavoratori del mare e vigilanza coordinata in ambito portuale”. Il progetto di ricerca effettuato dall’Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare del Cnr (Cnr-Inm) e dal Dipartimento di medicina, …

Bando di selezione n. INM-AR-001-2024-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 29/07/2024.