CNR-INM | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
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Category: INM News

Progetto LIFE SILENT (Project n. 101114310 — LIFE22-ENV-IT-LIFE SILENT)

Progetto quinquennale cofinanziato dalla Comunità Europea per soluzioni sostenibili ed eco-compatibili di mitigazione sonora in ambienti urbani “complessi”

Bando di selezione n. INM-AR-007-2023-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 01/12/2023.

Bando di selezione n. INM-AR-008-2023-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 27/10/2023.

INM paper featured on the cover page of Physics of Fluids

The paper “The acoustic signature of a propeller–hydrofoil system in the far field”, co-authored by Drs. Antonio Posa, Riccardo Broglia and Mario Felli from CNR-INM and Prof. Elias Balaras from The George Washington University, was featured on the cover page of Physics of Fluids and published on the home page of the journal. Results of …

Bando di selezione n. INM-AR-003-2023-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 04/07/2023.

Bando INM-AR-004-2023-RM: pubblicazione punteggio colloquio

Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 19/06/2023.

Luminescent Imaging and Chemical Flow Control for Fluid Science Studies

CNR-INM hosts Prof. Dr. Hirotaka Sakaue from University of Notre Dame, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, giving his seminar on Luminescent Imaging and Chemical Flow Control for Fluid Science Studies, Tuesday 6 June 2023, 12:00 at INM Headquarters, Sala Consiglio. Online participation is also possible via the following link: (password: 12345).

Research scientist recruitment

The National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering (INM), announced a call for selection, by qualifications and interview, for the recruitment of a fixed-term Research Scientist at the CNR-INM’s Palermo office, with a deadline of May 28th, 2023.We are looking for motivated and creative early stage researchers with a background on Data …

INM selected in the editor’s picks by the editorial board of Physics of Fluids

The paper “End effects in the wake of a hydrofoil working downstream of a propeller”, authored by Dr. Antonio Posa from CNR-INM, was selected in the Editor’s picks by the editorial board of Physics of Fluids and published on the home page of the journal. Large Eddy Simulation was utilized to reproduce the flow physics …