Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 06/05/2022.
Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 28/04/2022.
Si pubblica in allegato il punteggio del colloquio, a valle della prova orale sostenuta in data 28/04/2022.
CNR and UNIROMA 3 jointly host Prof. Dr.-Eng. Fulvio Scarano (Delft University of Technology, Aerospace Engineering Department – Aerodynamics, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS, Delft, The Netherlands, Ph: +31 15 278 5902, *protected email*) giving his seminar Wednesday 4 May 2022, 16:30 at UNIROMA3, Dept. of Engineering, Via Vito Volterra 62, 00146 Rome, Room N13. The …
The paper “Influence of an upstream hydrofoil on the acoustic signature of a propeller”, co-authored by Drs. Posa, Felli, and Broglia from CNR-INM, was selected in the Editor’s picks by the editorial board of Physics of Fluids and published on the home page of the journal The hydroacoustics of a rudder-propeller system, which is typical …
The paper “Recovery in the wake of in-line axial-flow rotors” co-authored by Drs. Posa and Broglia from CNR-INM and Prof. Balaras from The George Washington University was selected in the Editor’s picks by the editorial board of Physics of Fluids and published on the home page of the journal. Drs. Posa and Broglia studied – …
Where and when April 5, Tuesday · 12:00 – 1:00PM @ Via di Vallerano 139, Sala Consiglio or via Google Meet: Abstract In this talk we provide an overview of the methods that can be used for prediction under uncertainty and parameter calibration of dynamical systems, and of the fundamental challenges that arise in this context. …
AVVISO DI SELEZIONE N° INM-AR-005-2022-RM Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare (INM), ha pubblicato un avviso di selezione per il conferimento di un assegno di ricerca professionalizzante da svolgersi presso la sede di Roma Tor Vergata del CNR-INM, con scadenza 31/03/2022. L’assegno si inquadra nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca “Sistema …
Mid-term meeting – March 30, 2022 – 10:00 (according to the Italian daylight saving time. For Tunisia: 09:00) online on Zoom The development of renewable energy sources (RES), in particular photovoltaic (PV), is an increasingly important strategic axis for all countries, to meet the growing demand for energy, to reduce the use of fossil fuels, …