Unmanned self-propelled free running model test represent the most mimic experimental activity to the real scale ship’s behavior and could be undertaken at the very early design stage and is surely not replaceable for the sake to comply with International Regulations. Usually the ship model under test is equipped with all the necessary technology to measure the cause-effect relationships between predetermined rudder angle and maneuverability/controllability ship’s response. The complete IMO/ANEP standard test are accomplished in order to verify the rudder effectiveness and adequacy. The CNR-INM Outdoor Maneuvering Basin doesn’t provide any restriction to the maximum size and speed (max and/or min) of the physical model to be tested and is one of the largest fresh water outdoor facilities of the world. In the last years one of the main research stream is mainly focused on the asymmetrical and unbalanced loads arising on the propulsive axis during the execution of tight maneuvers. |

Research Scientists and Engineers Salvatore Mauro, ; phone: +39 06 50299271 |
Selected publications
- Mauro, S., Broglia, R., Dubbioso, G., Testa, C., “Investigation of asymmetrical shaft power increase during ship maneuvers by means of model tests and CFD,” 29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 26-31 August 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- A. Coraddu, G. Dubbioso, S. Mauro, M. Viviani, “Analysis of twin screw ships’ asymmetric propeller behavior by means of free-running model tests,” Ocean Engineering 28 (2013) 47-64.
- Ortolani, F., Mauro, S., Dubbioso, G., ”Investigation of the radial bearing force developed during actual ship operations. Part 1: Straight ahead sailing and turning maneuvers, Ocean Engineering 94 (2015), 67–87,
- Ortolani, F., Mauro, S., Dubbioso, G., ”Investigation of the radial bearing force developed during actual ship operations. Part 2: Unsteady maneuvers,” Ocean Engineering 106 (2015) 424–445,
- Ortolani, F., Dubbioso, G., Muscari, R., Mauro, S. and Di Mascio, A.,”Experimental and numerical investigation of propeller loads in off-design conditions,” J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2018, 6, 45 –