When and where Thursday 20 June 2019, 12:00 Sala Consiglio, INM Headquarters Rome Abstract Ships and offshore platforms are designed to perform well in typical sea conditions, but they must also survive the most extreme conditions that will be encountered during the their lifetime. The analysis of the largest wave loads is challenging because of …
INM will participate with an exhibition stand and scientific presentations in the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), which will be held in Napoli, Italy, 1–6 September 2019. The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) series are international, technical and scientific conferences, focused on ocean renewable energy. More information can be found …
Oggi sul Bacino Castagneto dell’INM di Roma riprese per la puntata dedicata alle navi di Nautilus, in onda a settembre su Rai Scuola. Grande prova scenica dell’equipaggio del carro …. con Fabrizio superstar a parlare dei carichi sulla pala dell’elica misurati con stumentazione brevetto Ortolani-Dubbioso!
Next June 20th Massimo Caccia, Senior Researcher of CNR-INM (Genova), will present the activity held in cooperation with CNR-IMATI (Genova); University of Genova – DISTAV; IFREMER (Toulon) under the project Interreg Marittimo-IT FR-Maritime. The presentation is scheduled in the session Marine environment, oceanography and meteorology 6 and it will regard Robotics and adaptive sampling techniques …
Genova, Piazzale Mandraccio, Area Porto Antico, 1-2 giugno 2019, con inizio alle ore 10:00 Il gruppo di Robotica Marina di Genova di CNR-INM possiede un’esperienza più che ventennale nello sviluppo di veicoli robotici autonomi appositamente studiati per operare in ambienti estremi. Molti di questi robot sono stati più volte impiegati con successo nell’ambito di progetti …
Montreal, Quebec, May 24th, 2019: Final program. The workshop on Underwater Robotics Perception, co-organized by Enrica Zereik, Ph.D., Researcher at INM Genova, aims to provide a broad and extremely interesting overview of the best practices to enable robust perception in underwater robots. Keynote talks from researchers and industry partners, with ample hands-on and field experience, …
IFREMER, Toulon, France, 15-16 May 2019. On May 16th Massimo Caccia, Senior Researcher at INM-Genova, will present the activity of the EU funded research project MATRAC – Adaptive real time monitoring with automated sampling and measurement (http://interreg-maritime.eu/fr/web/matracacp/projet) during the EMRA’19 hosted by IFREMER on 15th and 16th May 2019. The event is organised under EU …
Genoa Port Center, Magazzini del Cotone – Genova: 28 maggio 2019, h. 11:00 Il seminario, organizzato nell’ambito delle attività finanziate dalla Commissione Europea, Affari marittimi, per lo European Maritime Day – EMD (https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en), si terrà in collaborazione tra CNR-INM e Genoa Port Center, e sarà incentrato sulla robotica marina e sulle tecnologie ICT per il …
Marine robotics and ICT technologies for port water monitoring Presso il Genoa Port Center, Magazzini del Cotone, nell’ambito dell’European Maritime Day 2019 – EMD in my Country 2019, lo scorso 28 maggio Massimo Caccia, Senior Researcher presso INM di Genova ha presentato il progetto MATRAC – ACP, con un intervento sulla robotica marina e le …